Sunil Padwal
Sunil Padwal in GO Gallery
Opening on Saturday, June 20. Click here for more infirmation and images of the exhibition ‘Shifting Frames’.
Sunil Padwal, India 1968
NL (Geboren: 1968, Mumbai) Het overkwam vele kunstenaars van zijn generatie: toen Sunil Padwal de wens uitsprak om beeldende kunst te gaan studeren, ontmoedigde zijn vader hem met het schrikbeeld van de zwoegende kunstenaar die met moeite zou overleven. Met dat in gedachte besloot Padwal om het in de toegepaste kunsten te zoeken, een cursus …
Shifting frames, an exhibition by Sunil Padwal, 20 June 2015
Click here for more information about the artist
Coming soon: Shifting Frames.
Sunil Padwal, the renowned artist from the throbbing city of Mumbai (India) is finally on display in his first solo show in Amsterdam. Primarily a painter who has worked in varied mediums. His work comprises line drawings, paintings, sculptures and installations. Opening of this exhibition is on Saturday June 20
Summer exhibition extended
All those who missed out on the official opening of “Lot·01” by Lot & SIT, “Cowboys & Crows” by Patrick Gorman Jr., “Sticky creatures” by Gwen Hetharia and “Of Course” by Sunil Padwal, here’s your chance to come and admire the artworks by all four amazing artists at the GO Gallery premises until Saturday the …