GO Gallery on the go
saying bye to our physical location
After 27 wonderful years of showcasing art at our physical location, the doors of the GO Gallery have now been closed. While our physical space may no longer exist, the essence of GO Gallery is far from gone. We are dedicated to keeping the spirit of the Gallery alive through a variety of projects that reflect our passion for art.
After 27 wonderful years of showcasing art at our physical location, the doors of the GO Gallery have now been closed. While our physical space may no longer exist, the essence of GO Gallery is far from gone. We are dedicated to keeping the spirit of the Gallery alive through a variety of projects that reflect our passion for art.

A tribute to all QUEENS, 16 July – 20 August
This summer, the GO Gallery, in collaboration with the Kimpton de Witt Hotel, is organizing the exhibition ‘QUEENS’.
More than 40 artists have been asked to create artwork for the annual tribute exhibition at the GO Gallery.
Paintings, photographs, collages and objects in various styles will be on display at both locations.

About us
Go Gallery
De GO Gallery is opgericht in 1997 door Oscar van der Voorn (GO = Galerie Oscar).
Begin jaren ’00 kwamen van der Voorn en Cambatta in contact met kunstenaars uit binnen- en buitenland die de straat gebruikten als hun canvas en deze kunstvorm nog graffiti werd genoemd maar al snel de naam Street Art kreeg.